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What is M.A.B.S.
Veteran Maltese Medical Laboratory Scientists were encouraged to enact an association which unifies Maltese scientists as the profession grew and became more established locally. The creation of an association aimed to safeguard the interest of the profession by ensuring due observance of the code of ethics, maintaining standards by providing professional development and support, and liaising with health authorities and professional bodies on issues relating to Medical Laboratory Scientists. The establishment of an official association also facilitates networking with European and International organisations active in the field of Laboratory Scientists and promote the value of the profession to the public. MABS has been committed to sustain and improve the standards of the profession in Malta.
Members are Biomedical Scientists working in hospitals, laboratories, the private sector and University of Malta, involved in a number of different specialties, which include: Cellular and Histopathology, Haematology and Coagulation, Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology, Transfusion science, Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics, and Public Health. The profession is responsible for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, disease prevention and screening programmes, research, and quality assurance.
Education Officer
Communication Officer
Assistant Secretary
Leisure Officer
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